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Writer: Wolf BrigadeWolf Brigade

(Specialty warm-up: 10 power clean @ 65lb. W, 75lb M, 1 kettlebell clean + 1 front squat + 1 push press (L & R), 5L, 5R kettlebell row) 9 rounds of: 1 Power clean 3 Front squat 1 Push press :30 sec. rest/ assessment *Each rep of each lift features a stopped, organized 2/1000 at the top*. It's the end of a training week, this is a "complex", and if there isn't a designated stop standardizing the movements, it will be a too-heavy, poorly positioned mess. Positional integrity will govern weight; Don't try to trick it. In all but the rarest of circumstances, push press will govern weight. Adjust by round as needed- demand straight, strong lock-out in each rep. As always, with each lift, mechanics, position, and range of motion govern weight. If barbell versions of each lift do not work as needed/ expected/ heavy enough to be useful, then: 6 rounds of: 1 kettlebell clean + 3 kettlebell front squat + 1 kettlebell push press (left side) 1 kettlebell clean + 3 kettlebell front squat + 1 kettlebell push press (right side) :30 sec. rest/ assessment Mechanics govern variation just as- if not more than- they govern weight; Don't use a dirty cloth to clean a window. Insist on a hard, stable stop in transitioning from movement to movement; It doesn't have to take long, but it needs to occur. Then, 6 rounds of: 3L Kettlebell row 1L Kettlebell clean 3L Kettlebell front squat 3R Kettlebell row 1R Kettlebell clean 3R Kettlebell front squat (Up to) :30 sec. rest Each round/ arm is to be performed with one single kettlebell- weakest lift in the sequence governs weight. Fight for position, be patient and violent, and don't under-lift. Additionally: Identify and apply the important starting position differences between row and clean. One is a hinge, and the other, is not.

And then, 6 minutes of: 3 Burpee OR 6 "Floor to feet" 6 Rocking chair (weighted or unweighted, as needed) 6 Abmat sit-up (Optional but not to exceed) 3 breaths rest (no more than :15 sec.) Goal is a minimum of one round per minute; Position and pace should both be technical and vicious. Hunt the work, move like you care that you're there, and rest when you're done. Quality PLUS Ferocity = True brutality. And finally, "Time under tension": 50 perfect hollow rock +

15 calorie Airdyne cool-down + 15 Cat/ cow stretch


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