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(Specialty warm-up: 5 double kettlebell swing clean, 5 rocking chair with bumper plate)

Front squat/ Double kettlebell front squat:

5, 5, 5, 5, 5

1 x 15 @ 50-60% of heaviest above (as double kettlebell front squat)

Weight increases each set (denoted by commas). Begin at a moderate, challenging weight and end as heavy as possible; Regardless of implement or weight, each set should be difficult, violent, and positionally sound. Make sensible, sustainable increases. If an increase creates a partial set or breaks position, finish remaining work with heaviest successful complete-set weight.

Rest reasonably between sets, and focus unreasonably during them.

Reminder: Position and range of motion always govern weight, and below parallel is never a suggestion.


15 Rocking chair @ as heavy as possible

15 Rocking chair @ 75% of above

15 Rocking chair @ 10lb. W, 15lb M (use bumper plate- hunt for a "pop at the top"!)

25 Rocking chair (any way, any how)

25 3/1000 Bodyweight row

Maintain tension and position on the way down, keep them during the rock, and do not soften on the way back up; Soft and casual will catch you. Scale weight/ implement to full ability, and keep rest short and specific.

3/1000 row: In this variation, we hold for a full 3/1000 count in the top position- whether it be chest-to-bar, chest-through-rings/ rope, our goal is keeping the chest even with the hands for the full count on all reps.

And then, “Time under tension”:

5 Plyometric push-up (even if scaled onto a bench or box) + 10 Push-up + 10 Airplane push-up +

15 calories Airdyne/ equivalent + 250 Jumprope (timed, and improved) +

50 hollow rock @ scaled to full ability (heavy, perfect, or both) +

15 calories Airdyne/ equivalent @ cool down pace

Hollow rock: Take short rest as needed, and accept no sub-standard reps

Airdyne: Cool-down pace should look like 30-40% of max RPM.


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