(Specialty warm-up: 5L, 5R Pistol-grip kettlebell swing, 5L, 5R Pistol grip kettlebell swing clean)
Positional and mechanical improvement:
Single and double kettlebell lifts
All skill levels: Kettlebell clean from floor and swing (Pistol grip and stacked-hand), hand-to-hand kettlebell swing positions and transitions, front squat, back squat + transitions, press, push press, floor press
Intermediate/ Advanced: Double kettlebell clean/ swing clean + front squat, single kettlebell snatch (from swing and floor)
At skill work weights and with the guidance of a qualified trainer, practice the 2-3 movements listed above that need the most work; Do not expect to work on and improve, each movement. Laser-focus on a few, and work until they improve. Vary hand position as desired/ appropriate while maintaining all fundamentals of the chosen movement; Short, hard, detailed sets (3-5 reps + evaluation + adjustment).
Start with the basic variations of each (always using single kettlebell until progress is made),and add difficulty/ weight as appropriate. Accumulate quality reps, and add weight to fact-check position as needed.
Reminder: Doing something "correctly" does not automatically mean you are also doing it *well*; Ground-level detail and technique are one thing- Fluidity, control, efficacy, and watchability are very often something else entirely.
Note: Never make the mental mistake of thinking you’re too advanced for skill work in any realm. Additionally, there is much greater value to choosing one movement and working it until it cooperates than breezing through four or five.
Then, pick two kettlebell lifts you've practiced and want to evaluate, and perform:
9L, 9R (lift #1- Kettlebell swing clean, for example)
9L, 9R (lift #2- Kettlebell snatch, for example)
6L, 6R (lift #1- Kettlebell swing clean)
6L, 6R (lift #2- Kettlebell snatch)
3L, 3R (lift #1- Kettlebell swing clean)
3L, 3R (lift #2 Kettlebell snatch)
Rest reasonably between sets. If performing double kettlebell lifts,, “9L, 9R” simply equals “9”. If performing kettlebell swing (2-hand) as one of the two movements, scheme is 18-12-6.
Weight is self-scaled, and should be heavy enough to fact check position and execution, but not require interruption.
Lift 1 should be that which you struggle more with; 'Tax first what demands the most, and then systematically attack the rest'.
And then, “Time under tension”:
25 Kettlebell Good Morning @ self-scaled (minimum 1/2 BW) +
5 x 10 Mace front pendulum @ heavy enough to be useful
50 1-arm kettlebell swing @ 25lb. W, 35lb. M (cool-down weight)
15 Airplane push-up
3 x 50 reps jumprope (miss during a set of 50, start again)
Kettlebell swing: Switch arms in 5-rep sets; If designated weight is not a cool-down weight, adjust accordingly.