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Writer's pictureWolf Brigade


(Specialty warm-up: 5 empty bar press + 2/1000 overhead, 1L, 1R light, perfect Turkish Get-up)


1 x 10 @ 50% of 2RM

2, 2, 2, 2, 2 (weight increases each set, denoted by commas) 1 x 10 @ 50%

Sets of two begin heavier than 50%, and can climb as heavy as position and verification allow; "Locked out" and "straight" are not relative positions. Please apply and reinforce the value of powerful, standardized set-ups and resets;Those that apply them will, beyond any shadow of any doubt, lift heavier and safer. Also please make clear distinction between a front rack/ power clean receiving position/ push press starting position and that of a strict press. They are different, for good reason.

Then, 10 minutes of:

Kettlebell snatch + Turkish Get-up (to floor) + 10/1000 arm bar stretch (count starts when position is "set") + finish to standing

Switch arms early and often, and do not accept clunky, obligatory versions of any of these positions or transitions. Please review arm bar stretch and highlight the nuances that turn it from a goofy afterthought for most into a valuable Turkish Get-up accesory for us. Weight may be self-scaled, and governed by the weakest lift in the chain.

Note: If any of these movements/ lifts are new to you, please break them down independently prior to combining them; Puzzles are assembled one piece at a time, not all at once.

A sensible adjustment scheme would be:

2L, 2R Kettlebell snatch

1L, 1R 2-count Turkish Get-up

1 10/1000 Arm bar stretch- Left

1 10/1000 Arm bar stretch- Right

And then, as quickly as possible, 5 rounds of:

10/1000 bar hang

5 "Floor-to-feet"

No rest, work under the bar, and address this accordingly. No short-counts, no turtle-shell Floor-to-feet.

And finally, "Time under tension":

15 Airplane push-up (chin, chest, and hips all "land" at the same time, and also lift at the same time... )

50 Hollow rock (fingers touching top or side of knees/ thighs/ shins) 25 calorie Airdyne cool-down

Hollow position has seen some interpretation recently, so today we'll "trick" it. It is impossible to have your shoulders on the ground while maintaining contact with the designated areas. If people can't do it, that simply means, they haven't been doing it...


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